Weekend projects: Knitted yoga socks





December always makes us long for hot cups of tea, long afternoons knitting in front of our favorite series and our daily yoga routine.


To keep your feet warm while saluting the sun, we designed this beautiful yoga sock pattern, and not only to they feel good, but you can knit them up in a just a couple of afternoons.



What do you need to knit these socks?


* A pair of WAK knitting needles 5mm
* Tapestry needle
* Scissors
* 60gr of WAK Meripaca


In our case, we used two colors and knitted both socks in stockinette stitch with stripes, but you can let your imagination fly with this pattern and create your own design.

We chose two very soft and relaxing colors: gray and lavender. Two calming, elegant tones in synch with the spirit of this project.


How to start?



  1. Cast on 34 stitches with your favorite Meripaca color.


  1. Work rows 1 to 6 in 1×1 rib stitch, this means: knit 1, purl 1*. Repeat until the end of the row and until you reach row 6.


After knitting the ribbing you can change colors if you want striped socks, or continue with the same color.


  1. Work rows 7 to 16* in stockinette stitch, this means:


Odd rows: knit all stitches.


Even rows: purl all stitches.


*For our example we changed colors every 5 rows.


  1. To make the heel work rows 17 and 18 as follows:


Row 17: cast off 17 stitches and knit the rest of the stitches.


Row 18: purl 17. Cast on 17 stitches, the same number that we casted off in the previous row. We used the “Cable Cast On”. At the end of the row, we will have a total of 34 stitches, the same number as when we started the project.





  1. Work rows 19 to 36 in stockinette stitch.


  1. Work rows 37 to 46 1×1 rib stitch.


All you have to do now is sew!


  1. Sew both sides with the tapestry needle to form a tube. (Remember not to sew the opening closed and to line up the stripes if you chose to knit stripes).



Now… turn off your phone, get out your yoga mat, and… NAMASTE!


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