Yarn terminology: Weight


What’s grandma’s weaving? What’s a relaxing hobby? Is it the new yoga of the 21st century? Well, we can say to all of these– yes! And what’s more, there’s a terminology around this ancestral tradition that has lasted to our days.

There is a vocabulary for yarn that describes its characteristics, including its composition, and whether it is wool, cotton, or other fibers … Also important is the relationship between their thickness and their meterage, that is to say their weight. It’s not the same to knit with 10mm needles and 5mm needles, right?!

Here in Spain there is no lexicon for the thickness of the wool; we simply say if it’s very thin, thin, thick or very thick, which makes it a little complicated to know what type of thread we are using. But in English there is a terminology. There is even a table of these terms.


There are a number of words in English that define the weight and needle size and at We Are Knitters we have the most commonly used:


We Are Knitters Weight Meters (m) per 100 grams Needle Size (mm)
Pima Cotton Sport / DK 300 4.00 – 5.00
The Petite Wool,

 Baby Alpaca,

100% Merino wool

Worsted / Aran 200 5.00 – 7.00
The Fabric Yarn,

The Tape

Bulky 100 6.50 – 9.00
100% Peruvian Wool Super bulky 50 9.00 – 12.00

Obviously, we can use the needles we want with our yarn, but we have to be aware that the result will not be the same.

Let’s go by the ranks: Sport / DK can be used to make clothing and accessories, such as our Blanca Julep Tee with Pima cotton.

Worsted / Aran:  Very suitable for hats, gloves, scarves and blankets. A thickness with which we can work in a very fast way and thus have our garment finished in a flash! What do you think about the Solid Weaving Kit You & Me Beanies with Peruvian Fine Wool.


This one is almost double the worsted/aran, so we will be even faster in our garments or accessories. With the Tape or the Trapillo we can make a carpet super quickly. Try the Cliff Carpet ()

Super bulky: The star of We Are Knitters, 100% Peruvian wool with which you can work quickly and get a fantastic result. What about the blanket Udon Blanket?






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