How to knit mock fisherman’s rib


If there was ever a perfect stitch for a warm, winter scarf, it would be mock fisherman’s rib. It’s reversible, and it also creates a thick, warm fabric once knitted. Add some fringe to your scarf, and you’ll be wearing the coolest scarf on the block.

For this tutorial we’re using 8mm knitting needles and one skein of our Meriwool yarn.

To knit this stitch you need to know the following techniques:

You’ll need to cast on an even number of stitches to work this pattern.

Now we’ll explain how to knit mock fisherman’s rib in the following video:

As you can see, this is a simple stitch, in which you’re basically just knitting in a peculiar way—alternating between knitting a stitch as you usually do and knitting into the row below. Knit 1 below is worked the same as a knit stitch, except you insert the needle into the corresponding stitch on the row below. The stitch from the row above will look like a strand along the wrong side of the work.

Remember to begin every row with a knit stitch.


We hope that you’ve enjoyed this tutorial and that you’re excited about this warm stitch. We’re also excited to see what you share with us on social media using the hashtag #weareknitters.

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