We like to make our patterns easy to follow, that’s why, on the blog from time to time we clarify stitches that can be somewhat confusing or misleading. Sometimes we are knitting and, suddenly in the pattern appears: “work the stitches as they appear”, today we clarify what that phrase refers to.

For this tutorial we used a skein of our Merifine merino wool and our size 8 (5mm) beechwood knitting needles.

For our example we used a swatch of rib stitch, but you can use any swatch you have handy: lace, with cables, etc.

When a pattern says to “work stitches as they appear”, it means the following: in the image above, we marked the next two stitches to be worked, both purl stitches, so we need to work them exactly like that: purl.

In this next image the next two stitches to be worked are marked: knit stitches. We will work them exactly like that, knit.

When you are going to work a stitch, you have notice how it was worked: knitted or purled, so you can work them in the exact same way. That’s what “work stitches as they appear” means.
We hope we cleared up your doubts. And we hope you will show us what is coming off your needles on social media using the hashtag #weareknitters.