How to Keep Balls of Yarn from Unraveling


Surely, like me, you have a ton of yarn in a thousand colors and in a thousand boxes, waiting for a project that you still haven’t found. Then when you finish a project, you have a bit of yarn left over, and what do you do with it? The yarn becomes a tangled mess. The same goes for those little balls accumulating in the thousand boxes that you have on the shelves, under the table, or in any corner of the house. Let’s put them in order!

You don’t need to buy a large bookcase with boxes ordered by size and color. There are other, more homemade ways that are not a bad start. Do you some have clothespins? Well, here’s the first solution.

Don’t throw away those end pieces. You can always use them to make a pompom, maybe sew a seam on a neck, make a multicolored scarf … You never know! Nothing is wasted if you can keep it organized better.

Once you finish a project, don’t wait any longer! Wind it into a ball again, however small, and use a hair clip to keep it from unraveling. This will keep it wound and prevent it from becoming tangled if you store it in a box.

This is just one way to begin organizing all your yarn and yarn scraps. Little by little,  you’ll accumulate small balls that you can use to make a great blanket. If you have ideas on how to avoid letting your yarn get tangled up, don’t forget to take pictures and post them on social media with the hashtag #weareknitters.

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