NYC Marathon Diary : Week three


Another week of training, done! ? Which means… one week closer to the big day!

This week is my first week of classes for the fall semester at Northeastern University!

I have a full schedule, with five classes, a part-time job, and NYC Marathon training of course. And then I have to fit in sleep and a social life somewhere in there too 🙂


With my busy schedule, and the sunny, hot days that seem to be following me into September, I save my running for early mornings. It is the perfect time to go for a nice long, wooly run, for so many reasons!

– First, it is nice and chilly in the mornings before the sun is on full blast.

– Second, there are less people out and about, so I have the streets to myself to knit and run in peace!

– Third, it starts my day off on the right foot: before 10am I have already run 15 miles, and I feel so accomplished. An extra bonus is getting to see the sunrise over my favorite running trails.

This week, I woke up at 6am to have a snack before running, stretched out and then hit the streets, yarn in hand!

rocky meredith

These morning runs are a great way to see the city before it really wakes up: the stores aren’t open yet, business men and women aren’t rushing off to work yet, coffees spilling as they run to catch the bus, the metro stations are empty.

Morning runs are perfect to take a moment and clear my head before heading off to class or work, even though on some days I would really love to stay in bed and sleep for five more hours! With classes starting though, there’s no time for sleeping in! Got to go run!

Until next week,


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