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Hand exercises for knitters
You’re sitting, needles and yarn in hand, watching your favorite series, and your hand starts to cramp. You ignore it at first, but it doesn’t go away. Then your fingers…
The 6 best applications to count stitches
As good knitters and lovers of everything revolving around the knitting world, we have tried a ton of mobile applications related to knitting. There are millions (and we’re not exaggerating)…
How knitting impacts children
Today we’ll show you the many values and benefits that knitting can give to the little ones at home. Knitting is an activity that develops many cognitive and physical skills,…
Knitting with two different sized needles
Hi knitters! Have you ever considered knitting with two different sized needles? Today we are teaching you how to do so with a 15 mm and 8mm wooden WAK needles …No,…