Things that all knitters hate


Today in WAK we want to take out our most patient (and naughty ?) side making a compilation of the situations we go through when your big hobby is knitting or crocheting. And how many of us have had to listen, answer, even said, and put up with that cascade of questions that repeat again and again almost until our infinite patience reaches it’s limit…

A CLASSIC > My grandma did that

It’s so fun and relaxing that we all can put our needles to work 😉 It’s an activity that used to be transmitted generation to generation, but in the era of Youtube we can learn by ourselves with a wide variety of videotutorials.

AHEAD OF THEIR TIME > Isn’t it cheaper to buy it?

To make a blanket or accessory to decorate your home, garments for you or your loved ones, is not a matter of buying it made. It’s the pleasure and the hours of entertainment that this activity brings to you, and that is priceless. As the saying goes: “Knitting is the new yoga”.

THE FORTUNE TELLERS AND THEIR CRISTAL BALL > How long does it take you to make??… and, if you make it faster???

It’s all a matter of dedication, we all have different skills with the knitting needles or crochet hooks, but it depends on how long you dedicate to it and how fast you are. Now, a good weekend plan is to try to break your own time records, while you enjoy watching your favorite show or movie.

SKILLFUL EYES > Did you make that sweater? , when it’s perfectly clear that it was made by machine.

Not really, but you flatter me ? We can be as good in our thing that some people may mistake us with machines. No, I bought that sweater, I would love to have done it, the entertained hours I missed.

RIGHT TO THE POINT > Sooo cute!!!… can you make me one???

If I got skeins every time I hear that request, I’d have a warehouse the size of a country full of skeins and, so much happiness!!! By the way, I’ll make you one when my country full of skeins is about to be over ?

SUCH AN UNFORTUNATE TIMING > When someone asks something or tries to have a conversation wight in the middle of stitch counting…

NEVER!!! That’s the fastest way to try someone’s patience of a knitter or crochetter, and if it’s done not once, but 2 or 3 times each time you are trying to count, well, some needles or hooks may fly out the air.

YOUR FOREVER SMILE > When someone mention you or tag you in a comment of a picture where you can see an awful mermaid tail, or a crochet Oktoberfest hat and day “Look, like what you do”.

Even when it’s very possible that our projects won’t end up being sold at a souvenir or home decor store, to us they will always have a privilege place in our closets and do our eyes, it will be OUR MERMAID TAIL ?

INCOMPREHENSION > When you are dying to finish a project and the universe conspires against you adding dates or appointments to your schedule!

You see on the tv; rainy, cold, …windy!! You rub your hands because you know your plans for the afternoon: finish that project you like so much, while having a cup of tea and watching your favorite show and… RING!!!  The universe decides to call on the phone to steal away your perfect plan, or you have an unexpected visit, or you just have run an errand. Yes, knitters, it has happened to all of us.

… well, we hope to have made you smile a little with this post, and make you see that we have more things in common that we think, we knitters are made of a DIFFERENT YARN.

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