Can I knit on the plane?


Hi knitters!

We all love traveling, especially in the summers – and much of that travel time may very well be spent in the air. Once you’re flying, did you know that you could be doing something you really love? Knitting of course!

If you want to finish your work before landing, you’ll have to calculate the time needed for knitting your project. For example, you can knit a complete Soho’s Snood on a 2-3 hours flight. But if you dare with one of our WAK sweaters, you’ll find enough entertainment for a transatlantic flight 😉

But, are knitting needles allowed on a plane? Thanks to the new normative approved by TSA (Transport Security Administration), now you can knit or crochet on your next journey. We recommend that you take wooden needles as metal needles are prohibited. You’ll also need to leave the scissors behind – but we’re sure you’ll be able to find a pair when you land. 😉

This is a recent law, so WE ARE KNITTERS team recommends that you check with your airline prior to flying just to make sure, as individual policies beyond the TSA may vary. Don’t forget to bring your work already started, as it will help answer the question of “why do you have knitting” needles before it gets asked 😉

Heading off on your next journey? Don’t forget to take your favorite WAK project with you, and to snap a few pics of your woolly vacation! Share them with us on Instagram with #weareknitters and @weareknitters for your chance to be reposted on our feed!

  1. Yes! I recently started knitting and crocheting on plane trips. I use bamboo knitting needles and plastic crocheting hooks. No questions asked as I go through security and not even a second glance on the plane when I pull out my handwork! What a pleasure!

  2. I travel every week and always have my knitting with me. I even carry small scissors with me without question. I’ve been know to even give a few lessons too so an extra set of needles and yarn is good!

  3. Not to Mexico. I lost my favorite crochet hook and knitting needles coming back into the US. The scissors were fine. I was so bummed!

  4. I have flown all over the U.S. and internationally. I have flown with my addi clicks and many other metal circular needles. I have never had a problem. Ever.

  5. I have taken bamboo needles (knitting and crochet) on flights to Australia – via Dubia – and to Canada./USA ….All from UK
    But wouldn’t take my fave needles through just in case they were confiscated

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