How to Knit in public


Lately I’ve been hearing everywhere a phrase that will sound familiar, for sure. The phrase is: “Not enough time!”. For a while we had the constant idea that we are very creative, but we cannot find an outlet for all our ideas. But, if we don’t have to? If we simply need to change the level of our routines? If we try to knit in public?

On my Instragram I already talked about this idea a few weeks back. But today I want to use the WAK blog to tell you what is that I do, first, to get some minutes back from my day, and second, not to feel my days slip away without actually living them. Because let’s not fool around, there is a live outside crochet and knitting!!

Why not joining them?

Thanks to We Are Knitters, I’ve spent the weekend surrounded by yarn and friends. And I have proofed that if you want, you can!!

Have you ever tried the joy of knitting around those you love the most?

I usually use the times I meet with friends to finish up projects already on their way or those which I don’t need to think about a lot. That way I can keep up with the talking that happens around me.

I admit that the first time I took my needles and yarn to knit (a bachelor’s and bachelorette’s party in Amsterdam), my friends’ impression was: “Really?”. I had to explain to them that this was my new passion and, the same way I had always support them with their adventures, I expected them not to make me feel bad about enjoying my art in public.

True, there are moments where the only thing to do is out my needles down. But to change them for a fork is so not bad 🙂

Any time to crochet or knit is perfect. While you wait for your friends at the coffee shop, on the doctor’s waiting room or sitting on a metro wagon. Personally, I love to knit in public and I want to encourage you to lose the shame since you are winning some minutes from your life back.

At the beginning we feel observed. But remember, they are not observing you; they are admiring your art.

That’s why I learned to feel good while I earned some hours back from my life while crocheting in public and joining two of my passions: my friends (whom I insanely adore) and crochet.

Enjoy a glass of wine while you talk and crochet; it’s such a heavenly delight. Try it out!!

Take your needles and yarn balls to the street!! Win some minutes back from the day, and give a new vision to those who surround you. Show them we are capable of beautify their vision; out of routines and people who run around checking the clock.

Now you are wondering: how do I do it, Ali?

The first thing is that each of us has a different kind of personality, and not all the advice work for everyone. Some of us are more introverted than others, and have a bit of a hard time to show ourselves and get out of the norm. It’s alright, you just need to practice. However, I can give you some tips that work for me. Hopefully they’ll work out you too:

  1. Always carry a ball of yarn and a pair of needles or hook on your bag. You never know when you’ll find an opportunity or the knitting bug will bite.
  2. Use a fabric bag to carry your projects inside your main bag. Otherwise, your knitting project may get a stain or something like that, and we wouldn’t like that!
  3. Before picking up a ball of yarn, plan. Don’t take the whole yarn ball. Wind only the colors and amounts you believe you’ll need.
  4. Remember to take to the street only the projects where you don’t need to think much. This way, you won’t bother yourself with patterns, or counting rows or stitches. Simplify, and the pressures that may arise will go away.
  5. Don’t forget your needles!! You have no idea how often this happens to me!! It’s unnerving!!
  6. This last one is quite personal, but it may encourage you to crochet or knit in public:

Match your project with your outfit!!

The We Are Knitters balls and skeins of yarn are perfect for it! They have awesome and trendy tones that will look amazing with any look you choose for the day to get to the streets and show your art.

Enjoy and share your superpower!


  1. I love to knit or crochet whenever and wherever I go. It is so relaxing, not to mention a great conversation piece.

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