If you’ve already got a hold of the basic crochet stitches, and you want to add a little charm to your creations, today you’ll learn an easy and attractive stitch…

How to knit seafoam stitch

Winter is over! Now is the time to be thinking about cool projects for spring and summer, so today we’re bringing you a simple, yet pretty, lace stitch. Seafoam stitch…


Everyone has a responsibility to care for the environment, and at We are Knitters, we are very aware of that. There are many ways we do this, and now we’ve…

How to Sew Crochet

Joining pieces can always cause us a brief moment of panic– especially if it’s crochet. We’re always worried that the seam won’t be sufficiently invisible or that it won’t match…

How to sew sleeves with live stitches

We knitters love making sweaters, especially those chunky ones that keep us warm. They knit up quickly and make perfect projects for the winter days. The only drawback is, always,…

How to seam sleeves

Raise your hand whoever finished a project, that favorite sweater, the one you’ve been dying to knit and…when you finish it…you still haven’t joined the sleeves and a few other…

How to crochet conch stitch

Sometimes it is pleasantly surprising to see how different combinations of basic crochet stitches can be so beautiful and versatile. In this step by step, we’ll show you how to…

How to knit cable lace

    Cables are always included in any good knitter’s arsenal.  Those warm and loving things that we knit into our snoods, scarves, sweaters, etc. Well, today we bring you…

The best of 2018

December has arrived, and with it, the wait is over. At last the Christmas season is here, but only for a little while ☹. With December comes reunions, special moments…